
Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting Ready for the Big Move

This next weekend Phil and I will be moving downstairs to the basement apartment! Andrew and Rebekah found a house to rent (just a couple blocks away). We are really excited to get all of our stuff out of storage and find out what we have been missing for the past 5 months. I of course am thrilled to have a space I can make our own, i.e. paint, decorate, etc. I have some pretty big plans for the bathroom, so I will take pictures when that project is done.

Along with the exciting news of our move, Phil has a new job! He started it last week and I think he is really liking it. (Check this out to get his take on it.) I am really proud of him and very grateful he was able to get this position. It finally makes a little more sense to us now why we moved here. We ultimately moved here so Phil could find a job and get some work experience before graduate school. It took a little longer than we expected, but we are thrilled with the results.

Anyway, stay tuned for pictures of our new place as we settle in and decorate!


  1. Congrats on the job and the "new" place. I can't wait to see what it looks like!

  2. I love your new background! I wish we could be there to help you move!
