
Friday, April 1, 2011

Mysterious smell in the kitchen...

On Wednesday when I came home from work, as I walked through the kitchen I smelled something funky. I figured it was the three days worth of dishes I had sitting in the sink. I know I know. Three days is kind of a long time, but you also have to keep in mind that I'm pregnant (i.e. too tired) and Phil's gone during the week, so usually there aren't that many dishes to do. So I set to the task of unloading the dishwasher before tackling the dirty, smelly mess. Well, to my surprise, as I opened up a cupboard to put away some dishes I found this...

Yup that's a container of strawberries. The ones on the bottom were rotting. I had found my smelly culprit. Apparently on Monday morning after I cut up a few Strawberries to take with me to work for my 2nd breakfast (1st breakfast @ 6:30 before I leave the house, 2nd breakfast at 9:30 at my desk) I mistakenly put them away in the cupboard instead of the more appropriate refrigerator. I laughed out loud pretty hard. Apparently pregnancy brain is real! Even this morning I went into my bedroom to retrieve something and when I got there I completely forgot what I was doing and had to take a few minutes to jog my ever escaping memory! Hopefully this only lasts for 8 more weeks! 


  1. after 8 weeks it will only be called another name. Mommy Brain.

  2. Ditto to what Julia said... it only gets worse from here.

  3. Oh, and then comes Grandma Brain...

  4. val often finds the remote in the freezer or my wallet in the closet next to the tylenol
