
Friday, April 17, 2009

Call me...on my new phone!

I got a new phone yesterday! Thanks to M and D having a killer Sprint deal through BYU-I Phil and I now will have a lower mobile phone bill each month, and the best part is that I added unlimited data service for only an additional $4 a month. And since my phone is 2.5 years old, I figured it was time for an upgrade. I picked out the Palm Centro in black (my other options were green and pink).

I was expecting the phone to be a lot bigger than it really is. But its a perfect little size for my pocket or purse. And the greatest thing about having this is that I will be able to access my work email and calendar on it. But before I got it I had to promise Phil that I wouldn't become a phone email junkie. I don't imagine that will happen, considering I am on the computer everyday all day.

What I really wanted the phone for was to access my calendar, which would be really useful. For example, a couple weekends ago I was perusing the sales at the mall and my friend Mel called from Austin. We chatted for a while (as I rested on a rather comfy chair in sears) and then she invited me down for a visit. But because I did not know what my work schedule was like, I couldn't give her a definitive answer. Here's another example...I'm sitting in a meeting at work and the group wants to schedule a follow-up meeting. I am the only one in the room without a blackberry/iPhone/some kind of cool all-in-one gizmo and I have to tell them I will get back to them. Of course, this hasn't happened yet, but it could and I want to be prepared.

In addition to the unlimited data, we also have unlimited text messaging. So for all of those who already text me, keep on doing what you're doing because I no longer have to pay $.20 for each one I get. And for those of you who do not text me...feel free, because I imagine I will be doing a lot more of it!


  1. Very nice! I still have my jazzy pay as you go virgin mobile--I can now just live vicariously through you! :)
    Happy calendaring! :)

  2. I love your new phone!!! The cool thing about my old phone, however, is that I am so good at quickly reassembling it several times a day when I drop it and the battery goes sliding under my car. I would have to relearn a whole new assembly skill for a new phone! I, too, wish you happy calendaring...we can't wait to be added to your calendar for a visit to Boston!!!
