
Friday, July 8, 2011

What I've been up to

Here's what I have have been up to in pictures....

Video chatting with Dad

Stretching and falling asleep mid stretch

Looking dreamy

 Getting ready to go to the aquarium with the Bradfords

Riding to the aquarium with cousins
Hanging out with the seals

Pulling my weight and carrying the drinks

Checking out the seals again
Posing (i.e. crying) with cousin Kade 

Snuggling with Mom (Mom sure likes to do that a lot)

Playing with Daddy

Being burped...this happens a lot

In the car with Nana on the way to church to be blessed (Mom forgot to get any pictures with me and my Daddy...what was she thinking?)

 Hanging out with my Papa...still in my blessing outfit!

Learning to sit in the bumbo seat Sadie and Elise's Mommy and Daddy gave me!

Hanging out with my Dad. 


  1. He's so so so adorable. He looks like he has grown a ton in the past few weeks! I'm glad he has already gotten some use out of the Bumbo. Those things are amazing.

  2. JEN he's so big!!! I want to take a bite out of that cuteness. I need to see this kid soon.

  3. Kira says "He's the cutest baby ever!!" Thank you for posting the new pictures on your blog. He's changed so much in a few days since we were there. He seems too young to be sitting (even in the little seat!) Miss you all!

  4. What a smile!!! He can melt any heart. Mine melts when I see him!
