
Friday, February 18, 2011

Preparation for Fatherhood

Look who fell asleep this afternoon on Uncle Phil's lap!

This is momentous. Matthew has been a little bit scared of Phil ever since he came home one day using these huge metal things....crutches. Ever since then Matthew seems to get a little scared when Uncle Phil comes around. Whenever he sees me head back downstairs to our apartment Matthew always says "see phil?" then he'll follow me down the stairs halfway and then turn around and run back upstairs crying for Mom or Dad. I think it's a little game he likes to play with himself...but every time there seem to be real tears. He's such a funny little man. 

This afternoon he made the whole trip down to our apartment and stopped by for a little visit. He sat on uncle Phil's lap and after about 5 minutes was snoozing away!! Hopefully this means he will no longer cry at the sight of Uncle Phil. 

Oh and for the record, Matthew is probably overly tired because he's now sleeping in a big boy bed...


  1. Aww... I can't wait until Baby Singer makes his big debute. Phil is going to be an awesome dad and you'll be a great mom, Jen!

  2. so sweet. phil's getting in some good practice for those long nights when mama needs to sleep!

  3. Sweet picture! I echo what Brittney said. You two will be awesome parents!
