
Monday, January 3, 2011

Drum roll please...

We had our ultrasound this morning and it's a......


Sorry we didn't get a picture of his boy bits, but he definitely has them!! Here's a good profile pic.

The ultrasound went great. The babe looks healthy. He moves around A LOT (more than I can tell right now) and he kept opening and closing his mouth. It was so cute. I think I could have looked at that screen for hours!

Ok, so now that we know we're going to have this baby boy our next step is preparation! So in light of this, I want to know what everyone's must haves are for a new baby? Hit me up in the comments!


  1. I know I've already given you way more advice than you'll probably use, but remember: take everything you can from the hospital (the bulb syringe, diapers, wipes, etc.) We even came home with the clamps that clamped his umbilical cord. I have no idea why.

  2. First of all, CONGRATS!! Little boys are the best ever. Here are some must-haves and have-nots.

    A baby carrier of some kind, be it a Bjorn or backpack or whatever. I have a Bjorn and have loved it.

    A book about training your baby to sleep--I read both Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and Babywise and use ideas from both.

    Do NOT get the stroller/car seat combo. There are WAY better strollers out there that can accomodate a car seat but aren't so big and ridiculous as the strollers that come with them. In my mind the only stroller anyone should get is one from Phil & Ted's ( They work as a single stroller or can turn into the best double strollers ever, no question. Pricey, but worth it. We have the Explorer.

    Also, do not buy a high chair. It fits into the big and ridiculous category as well. We put Bennett in one of these ( for a while--they are super sturdy and you can take them with you anywhere. Then we got one of these ( If I had to pick just one I'd pick the one that straps to a chair but they were both great.

    A really good breast pump. Worth every cent.

    A rocking chair you really enjoy sitting in. Comfort is big in the middle of the night.

    A Boppy.

    A swing that can either plug in to the wall or use batteries.

    Good nursing bras. These are the only ones that I like and I have used a ton: They work best after the first few weeks are over with. I only wear the comfy Medela ones for the first two-three weeks until my milk supply evens out and engorgement is over with.

    That is a lot, sorry. =) So excited for you guys!

  3. ditto on the baby bjorn, booster seat (although you won't need it for a while), rocking chair/glider/lay-z-boy, boppy and swing. also a baby papasan, lots of carters white onesies (esp since he'll be getting here right before summer heat--i'm pretty sure finn lived in just onesies for the first 4months--and white=able to bleach out stains of all kinds), lots of little blankets...i'm sure there is a lot more. (if i were you and wanted to read up on the how-to-get-your-baby-to-sleep stuff, i would check out the books from the library or browse them at borders before buying.)
    very excited for you and philber and this new little singer!

  4. I really really agree with the comment on strollers- we got a combination stroller/car seat with Sadie and we just bought the Phil and Ted's Explorer stroller and realized we wasted a lot of money on our first stroller. If you are planning on having more than one child, go with a Phil and Ted's! It is a single stroller but can be easily made into a double. The Explorer can be used as a jogging stroller also.

    Also super agree with the no highchair. Booster seats are just fine and they are easy to bring other places.

    Boppies are amazing- useful for much more than just support while breastfeeding. Bumbos are amazing too.

    I might wait to buy a breast pump until after he is born. They are just so expensive and you may decide you don't want/need one. I used one I borrowed from Jules a TON but I never would have known beforehand. If my second baby struggles with eating as much as Sadie then I will buy an expensive pump.

    Don't buy a ton of diapers beforehand. Different diapers work well with different babies. I would buy a few packs, but wait until after he is born and see which ones work for him. That probably goes for all baby supplies- don't buy a ton of any one brand of a thing- babies can be very picky and unreliable. For example, bottles, burp cloths (Sadie needed lots so I bought Jules a ton and then she didn't need that many), baby detergent (usually not necessary at all), wipes, etc.

    If you are planning on breastfeeding, I love the idea of a bracelet or clip that you switch to either side of you to remind you which side you last fed on. I could never remember!

  5. He is so beautiful!!!!

    My necessary item--a rocking chair :)

  6. Congratulations! I'm was a little behind on reading your blog posts... I'm so excited for you! Favorite baby item of the moment: Aden + Anais swaddle blankets. I CANNOT live without them. Also, the Ergo baby carrier has been my best friend.

  7. Love the Aden + Anais as well--my new favorite with Eddy and wish I'd known of them before! Great for swaddling, nursing cover up, protecting the floor/baby when setting on the ground, etc. They fold up small enough to stuff in a diaper bag so easily--I take one everywhere I go and use it often (even as a burp cloth when all others are no where to be found).

    I also personally like a bouncy chair (just the chair--my boys didn't/don't care for the entertainment attachment) because they move from room to room easily and I can bounce with my foot while doing something else like reading or stirring dinner. Some babies don't like them though--so you can borrow ours if you want to see whether you like it or not as we'll have outgrown it by then.

    I didn't much like a Boppy for nursing, but I loved it when Davy was learning to sit.

    Yay, babies! So excited for you!

  8. Also, I love a sling (or a Bjorn-type carrier--having a few options is nice) but I honestly didn't use one much with my first (Davy). The second (Eddy), however, has pretty much lived in one. Much better than lugging an infant car seat all around!
