
Monday, December 6, 2010

New Drinkware

Aren't they pretty? We got 6 of the large ones from Bed Bath and Beyond and it has totally opened up a whole new world of beverage enjoyment for us. Phil and I have both commented how much better drinks taste from nice glasses. (sorry no pictures of the real thing...we're still in limbo between old junky camera and a nice baby ready camera...)

In other drink updates...I have a new favorite. Phil calls it a Mormon Mimosa.

1. Fill your glass half full of chopped ice (from our ice maker on our side by side)
2. Pour in a little of this in your glass( simply orange w/ pineapple!!)
3. Then top it off with some ginger ale
4. Enjoy.


  1. mmm sounds delicious! can't be good for heartburn. what kind of camera you thinking of getting?

  2. I make drinks like this all the time. For a lower calorie option you can use Fresca instead of gingerale. But I just remembered that Star Market carries a million different kinds of ginger ale- both diet and not, so ginger ale probably tastes better.

    Oh man I wish the stores here had more than just the basic ginger ale.

  3. We want an SLR - probably a canon or a Nikon. It depends on what we can get with Phil's credit card points.

    No the drink isn't good for heartburn...what that's what Zantac is for!

  4. They are beautiful! Yes, glass does taste better--and filtered water tastes better than from the tap :)
