
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jen's Barber Shop

I gave Phil, Mason and Kade haircuts today. I was surprised at how good the boys were at sitting still...even though the wind (we did it outside on the porch) blew hair in their faces and into their mouths. Yes, I had to sway Phil with a lollipop, but he was a good boy and sat very still. Here are a few pics of Phil and the boys with their new 'dos.

Kade and Mason love their Uncle Phil. They were crawling all over him while watching the Incredibles down at Andrew and Rebekah's. They're the cutest little boys.

We are enjoying ourselves here in Belmont. We are still both on the job hunt and we will keep our loyal readers (yes, I know you're out there!) posted on any developments. Cross your fingers for us!


  1. Finally a post!! I've missed your posts! Don't worry, you're not alone in the job searching! Good luck!

  2. The haircuts look good. Those boys are adorable. I wish we were there too!!

  3. I bet you guys are really appreciated out there right now. We miss you tons though too. Sam keeps on saying "Jen? Phil? At Boston?"

    We love you guys.

  4. oh uncle phil the jungle gym, he gives the best hugs.
