
Saturday, February 9, 2008


After careful consideration, I decided not to buy Phil the ride on cooler. Since we rarely use a cooler, I figured it would mostly be Phil riding around on it in our parking lot. And since there's a 5 inch slab of ice covering it right now...the cooler would be of no use. I'm pretty confident the cooler doesn't have 4wheel drive.

But on another note, Phil has started his internship at the Utah Legislature, working for Rep. Ron Bigelow. He seems to be enjoying the experience and learning a lot. He gets to wear a sweet security badge with his picture on it, and carry around a blackberry so he can be at the beck and call of his representative. But Phil is not enjoying the 1 1/2-2 hour bus trip it takes to get to Salt Lake and back. He frequently complains about not being able to sleep during the commute because some girl is yapping away on her cell phone. But it is only a 6 week internship and his bus pass was the same price as one tank of gas....thank you UTA

Phil has submitted most of his applications for grad school, and I think he still has one or two to finish before their March deadline. We hope to start to hear back from schools starting in March. This will decide the fate of our we're pretty anxious about it.

I'm still plugging away at school. Being my last semester, I have to be honest, I have little motivation, and school seems less fun. But don't worry, I'm still learning a lot, and getting my stafford loan's worth. It might get better once we know where we're going to live and I can actually start to look for a job....albeit one I probably don't want, since I have no long term work experience. But such is the life of the grad student, who decided not to take off a couple years before working on her degree to get work experience. But let's face it folks, if I had left school and started working full time, I probably wouldn't have gone back. So it worked out in the end.

Phil and I are looking into buying a new car. But this has not been a smooth process considering we have no time to do it and can't find a car in our price range that Phil's tall 6'6" frame will fit into comfortably. It would be a lot simpler if we were rich and could just walk next door to the dealership next to our building and point our finger and take one home with us. But alas, it is not, and we are still on the hunt for a good deal.

'til later....


  1. Louisana here you come!

    I am sorry to hear about Phil's large frame, I had no idea. That's the problem with most of our cars being made in Asia. I would recommed getting a mini-van. My parents have are on their 12th and they love them. I read a study on why they appeal to men and not to women. To the man it is a status symbol of having a large posterity and it also says "the women driving this car is taken, come on it is a mini-van", yes security. To the women it...well I can't remember or maybe I made it up to begin with. If you are test driving a car and the deal says " that noise is pretty common, nothing to worry about" wet your pants in the car and repeat back the same thing, then go some place else.

  2. You're hot and I love you and miss yous. Yes, yous. Hope you are well!!!
