
Monday, April 30, 2007

Traveling to Ghana!!

This is where I (Jen) am going in one week. I will travle to Ghana, Africa and will spend two weeks traveling to Accra, Cape Coast, and Kumasi visiting different NGOs. I am also doing management training sessions for local NGO leaders and one for local members of the church and their friends. I am excited about the opportunity that I will have to experience a new culture and have exposure to the problems that local NGOs have. But I am humbled with the trust that my professors and the local NGOs have in me to do training about budget principles!

Pray that I remember to take my medications everyday and don't get Malaria!!!!


  1. FINALLY! I've been waiting for you guys to get a blog for my whole life.

  2. I hear malaria don't take no prisoners...

  3. We'll be praying for you and look forward to updates of your adventures on your blog!!!
