The other adventure this summer was Felix learning to walk! Before we left he had already started taking a handful of steps at a time, but it was slow going and mostly just falling gracefully. About a week and a half after we got to Utah he just decided to start walking I guess, because there was no more crawling for this kid after what he knew he could do. With the walking comes shoes! At first Felix was unsure about shoes, so we took him to a park to practice with them. It was Memorial day so we brought a picnic and played in the park.
Dad putting shoes on
hesitant about touching the grass (luckily his grass phobia is gone now!)
One day I went down to help Andrew and Rebekah and watched their girls. He loves Katherine and Rachel's toys!
Getting into mischief in Katherine's room!
We figured since we were in Layton/Ogden, we should do something to help us get to know the area. Phil heard about the Ogden art festival, so one saturday we drove to downtown Ogden for the festivities. Union Station in Ogden is a beautiful old building and Felix loved playing inside.
We were so excited to be in Utah when Dan and Wendy had their baby. We loved getting to meet little Taya and snuggling with her. She really is a great baby and we also got to be there for her blessing in August before we left.
To finish off the post, I thought I would share some awesome pictures of Felix that need no commentary.